11 Quotes & Sayings By Sayed Kashua

Sayed Kashua is an Egyptian novelist, journalist, essayist, and literary critic. He was born in Cairo in 1956. His novels include The Trap (Arabic: لحم الجوع ), The Tribe (Arabic: الشرق ), The City of Beasts (Arabic: القسم الكبير ), The Last Summer of the Arabs (Arabic: الشهر العاشر للعرب ), and Disquiet (Arabic: عيون الناس ).

I use a lot of humor, and I follow the saying that if you want to tell people the truth, you better make them laugh first; otherwise, they will shoot you. Sayed Kashua
Sometimes I wonder: What are the children thinking? And sometimes I wonder why the hell I'm not buying a tree like the other neighbors. After all, there is no mention in Christianity of Christmas trees, and even if there were - is there any good reason why I shouldn't be buying some red stockings? Sayed Kashua
Christmas is relentless. It's around the clock. I sit with my little ones in front of the TV screen, and we watch movie after movie after movie. Sayed Kashua
Sometimes I wonder if there is any hope left for an Israeli-Palestinian discourse that is built on equality and liberty rather than a fruitless discourse of master and servant. Sayed Kashua
Israeli independence - what we Arabs call al- Naqba, 'The Catastrophe' - it created Palestinian identity more than anything else. Sayed Kashua
The truth is, I never travel without cash. I always take a few tens with me in case of an emergency. There's never been an emergency, and in time, I realized that Americans don't want to touch customers' dirty bills. They also don't want to touch your credit card: you have to put it through the machine yourself, with your own fingers. Sayed Kashua
Thanksgiving is the only day of the year when most of the stores here are closed during the day and reopen after midnight. Even restaurants shut down for the holiday, except for the fast-food chains. Sayed Kashua
I'm always sad when Dad doesn't like my columns. He waits for them every week and usually likes them, in which case he doesn't say a word - it's only if he's critical that he bothers to call. Sayed Kashua
I always envied them, the owners of the cars with the white plates who can be seen around Jerusalem. I always wanted to be one of them. We call them U.N., even though U.N. are generally foreign correspondents with leased cars and yellow plates. Sayed Kashua
Somehow, since I became a family, every minute in which I am alone and not listening to two kids screaming in stereo feels like a vacation. Sayed Kashua